2014 - 2015 Eastern Branch Officer Elections are Now Open

2014-2015 Eastern Branch Officer Elections are now open until Friday, September 12.

Election Form

We have three great candidates to fill open positions.  Get to know your future leaders of the Eastern Branch by reading the candidate statements and bios and bios of the current leadership www.ascenc.org/easternofficers.  Elections will be open until Friday, September 12th, 2014, at 5pm.
President-Elect: Michael Siburt, P.E.
Secretary: David Skurky, P.E.
Branch Representative: Christyn Fertenbaugh, E.I.

2014-2015 Officers continuing terms:
• President: Bahi Bahiradhan, P.E.
• Past-President: Janelle Griffin, P.E.
• Branch Representative: Kyle Phinney, P.E.
• Treasurer: Mark Koegel, E.I.T.
• Web Director: Luke Montoya, P.E.
• Younger Member Group Coordinator: Derek Dussek, E.I.
• Younger Member Group Co-Coordinator: Matt Alexander, P.E.
• NC State University Practitioner Advisor: Christine Nguyen, E.I.
• Duke University Practitioner Advisor: Ethan Hill, E.I.T.
If you are interested in participating on a committee, please email the incoming President, Bahi Bahiradhan at mbahiradhan@schnabel-eng.com