Tour of the Wade Avenue Pump House

Eleven members of ASCE recently toured the pump house on Wade Avenue.  This facility is an amazing testament to the City of Raleigh's dedication to their system and community.  The tour began with a view of the front of the structure, then an all-access pass to the structure's internals.  The video accompanying this post will give people a good sense of how things look, but you must see it in person in order to truly understand the power of this hidden station.

ASCE NC Web DirectorComment
2014 - 2015 Eastern Branch Officer Elections are Now Open

2014-2015 Eastern Branch Officer Elections are now open until Friday, September 12.

Election Form

We have three great candidates to fill open positions.  Get to know your future leaders of the Eastern Branch by reading the candidate statements and bios and bios of the current leadership  Elections will be open until Friday, September 12th, 2014, at 5pm.
President-Elect: Michael Siburt, P.E.
Secretary: David Skurky, P.E.
Branch Representative: Christyn Fertenbaugh, E.I.

2014-2015 Officers continuing terms:
• President: Bahi Bahiradhan, P.E.
• Past-President: Janelle Griffin, P.E.
• Branch Representative: Kyle Phinney, P.E.
• Treasurer: Mark Koegel, E.I.T.
• Web Director: Luke Montoya, P.E.
• Younger Member Group Coordinator: Derek Dussek, E.I.
• Younger Member Group Co-Coordinator: Matt Alexander, P.E.
• NC State University Practitioner Advisor: Christine Nguyen, E.I.
• Duke University Practitioner Advisor: Ethan Hill, E.I.T.
If you are interested in participating on a committee, please email the incoming President, Bahi Bahiradhan at

2014 – 2015 ASCE Eastern Branch Officer and Committee Positions are Now Open!

Want to get more involved in ASCE? 
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2014-2015 term until August 15, 2014.  Nominations will be taken online
There are currently openings to serve as an officer or committee member with the Branch.  The Younger Member Group also has opportunities to get involved.
Want to learn more? 
The current officers of the Eastern Branch and Younger Member Group Board of Directors will be hosting an information session prior to the nomination deadline.  This will be your chance to meet current officers, ask questions, and find your place with ASCE!

Branch Leadership Information Session
Thursday August 7th 6pm – 8pm
Tobacco Road Sports Café 
222 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC

Important Dates: 
Branch Leadership Information Session: Thursday, August 7th 6pm-8pm 
Nomination Deadline: Friday August 15th, 2014 5:00 pm Link to Nomination Form
For questions please contact: 
Mahalingam “Bahi” Bahiradhan, Branch President-Elect, at 

Janelle Griffin, Branch President, at 

Michael Siburt, Younger Member Group President, at

Derek Dussek, Younger Member Group President-Elect, at 

Elected Positions
President-Elect (3 year commitment)
General Duties 
•    Attend Eastern Branch Board of Directors (EB BOD) meetings held the 2nd Thursday of every month  (typically 7:00am- 8:00am)
•    Vote on EB BOD motions
•    Assist EB BOD in recruiting new BOD members
•    Work with President to lead Board in achieving Branch goals
•    Plan and recruit speakers for one calendar year January through November. Confirm speaker commitment and prepare announcement.  Speaker topics should cover various areas of concentration (i.e. geotechnical, structural, civil, transportation, wastewater, etc)
•    Send meeting details, directions, etc. and obtain from speaker description of topic and biographical information
•    Introduce speaker and give concluding remarks at monthly meetings 
•    Setup A/V and prepare PDH documentation at monthly meetings
•    Attend 2-day Workshop for Section and Branch Leaders in January  
•    Attend Presidents and Governors Forum at ASCE headquarters in September 
Secretary (2 year term)
General Duties 
•    Manage all communication to membership from the Branch and Younger Member Group
•    Attend BOD meetings held 2nd Thursday of every month 7:00am – 8:00am; record and distribute minutes 
•    Manage and track luncheon registrations
•    Attend Monthly Branch Luncheons (If you cannot attend, coordinate to have another BOD member fulfill your duties)
•    Maintain records for PDHs
•    Attend branch events when possible
•    Actively participate in the Eastern Branch Board of Directors as a voting member

Committee/Volunteer Positions (non-exhaustive list) 
Government & Public Liaison Committee Member
•    Committee member serves as the liaison between the Eastern Branch / Section and the legislature
•    Plan and coordinate annual events:
o    NC Legislative Drive-In (January)
o    Legislative Reception (July)

Outreach/E-Week Committee
•    Coordinate public outreach activities during E-week and throughout the year in accordance with North Carolina Section goals

Membership Committee
•    Coordinates year-round initiatives for Branch to achieve recruitment and retention goals 
•    Works with Younger Member Group and Student Liaisons to facilitate membership transition between Student member, Younger member, Full Member, and Life membership status. 
•    Assists in recognition activities for Life Members.

Past Presentations

After every presentation, we post a link to the summary and, if available, a link to a downloadable version of the presentation slides.  We are extremely grateful to our past presenters for their time!

ASCE NC Web Director
ASCE's 2013 Report Card for America's Infrastructure

Every four years, ASCE grades the performance and condition of America's infrastructure. ASCE’s 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure is available now on the web and in a new digital format for Android tablets and smartphones, Apple's iPod Touch, iPhone, and a version optimized for Apple's iPad.  The app comes complete with the grades, ASCE’s vision for infrastructure, and more content than ever before with 16 infrastructure categories, over 100 infrastructure success stories, and infographics on every state. In this new app, the 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure puts the most comprehensive and clear reference available on America’s infrastructure right into your pocket. ASCE Infrastructure Report CardBringing you expert advice in videos and interactive content, this app truly shows how America’s infrastructure and your state’s infrastructure are doing and what needs attention. Share ideas for action and your thoughts along with any part of the app with friends, coworkers or professional groups, local leaders, or even your member of Congress. Visit to review the grades.

ASCE NC Web Director
Is the Eastern Branch Your Primary Branch?

We've learned that many of the engineers in the Eastern Branch haven't updated their profile with ASCE National to state that the Eastern Branch is their "Primary Branch". The establishment of a person's Primary Branch is typically done during the renewal process, but often times people let it stagnate to a former state, old employer, or old residential address. When this happens, the Eastern Branch loses funding which limits the number and size of events we can have each year. How can you help? Visit your profile at ASCE National and update your mailing address (Go to "My ASCE, login, then go to "Edit Personal Information"). Optionally, you can call ASCE National at (800) 548-ASCE (2723) or contact them via email at They're awesome and love to help!

ASCE NC Web Director
Solicitation for Local Project Photos

The Eastern Branch is soliciting for local project photos with a brief description from any member who wishes to share their accomplishment with the Branch and public. If you have a high-quality digital photo of a project upon which you or your company worked, please send it along with a brief project description to the Web Director, Luke Montoya ( As opportunities arise and when appropriate, we may use your project photo in future emails and/or on our website with attribution to you or your company. This is not a one-time competition but an ongoing effort to share each other's achievements, so feel free to submit anytime.

ASCE NC Web Director
Recent Life Members

The ASCE North Carolina Eastern Branch recently recognized the following, newly-appointed Life Members:

Robert Berndt
Siraj Chohan
Speros Fleggas
David Heiser
Earnest Parker
Parshottam Patel
Ronnie Thompson
David Demo (pictured)
Michael Creed (pictured)

Congratulations and thank you to the Life Members for their support and enduring commitment to the engineering professional and to the ASCE community.

ASCE NC Web Director
2014 Daniel V. Terrell Paper Competition for Younger Members

The Daniel V. Terrell Paper Competition is a prestigious competition that has been held for 60 years. The competition commemorates Dean Terrell's years of work and service to ASCE. The competition topic must address professional ethics with respect to an assigned question/statement, which you can find the in the Daniel V. Terrell informational flyer. The deadline for the Terrell competition is March 1, 2014. Submissions must be sent through the Section President, as only two papers per Section may be entered. The flyer also includes information regarding the Daniel W. Mead contest, which is a separate competition utilizing the same paper topic.

ASCE NC Web Director