2015-2016 ASCE Eastern Branch Officer and Committee Positions are Now Open

The Eastern branch has opportunities for officers and committee members for the 2015-2016 year.
The Branch officer spots available are President-Elect, Treasurer and Branch Representative beginning in October.  Visit the nomination page to nominate yourself or any other ASCE member for officer positions.  Please be sure to have your ASCE member number available for the registration form. Officer Nominations will be accepted until 5:00PM on Monday, August 31, 2015.   
The Branch is also looking for volunteers for the Community Relations and E-week Committees.  If you are interested in starting a new committee you can indicate that as you sign up as well.

The accompanying PDF detailing these openings and their duties:
2015-2016 Open Board Positions Descriptions

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities for the ASCE Student Chapter at NCSU

Dear Corporate Supporter,
My name is Leah-Craig Fleming and I am the President for the American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter at North Carolina State University during the 2015-2016 academic year. I am reaching out to you on behalf of our organization, seeking support for the events that we hold each year for our members.
Throughout the year, we host monthly meetings with professionals from the industry to allow our members to see the broad spectrum of civil engineering and how the students can focus their path at State to achieve their goals. In the spring, we compete at our regional ASCE conference against other universities in the southeast region in events such as concrete canoe and steel bridge. The teams dedicate many hours a week for the entire year working towards the competition. Supporting our organization will give your company the opportunity to interact with our students on all of these levels and more.
Our corporate packet will provide information on opportunities for supporting our organization throughout the year. It includes the goals of our organization, how your support will be utilized, the different levels of sponsorship available, and how you can help our cause.
The funding for our organization comes exclusively from donations, fundraising, and membership dues; we rely heavily on your generosity for us to achieve this year's goals. Any donation amount is greatly appreciated and will be used to further the education of our future engineers. We thank you for considering the American Society of Civil Engineers at NC State and sincerely look forward to working with you!
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at leflemin@ncsu.edu, and please copy Lora Bremer at lfbremer@ncsu.edu, our Senior Director of Development and Alumni Engagement for the College of Engineering.  
Best Regards,
Leah-Craig Fleming
Senior | Civil Engineering
President | The American Society of Civil Engineers
Civil Engineering Intern | Kimley-Horn & Associates

Raleigh Engineer Participates in E-Week

Mahalingam Bahiradhan (Bahi), PE, Senior Engineer with Schnabel Engineering, recently spoke at the Cedar Fork Elementary School in Morrisville, North Carolina as part of the E-Week activities.  Bahi showed his presentation to the students and received remarkable feedback from the students and administrators.  The students actively participated in the discussions.  Thank you, Bahi, for your work and dedication.


image via Bahi

image via Bahi

image via Bahi

image via Bahi

Call for E-Week Volunteers

Be the most valuable engineer in your office and the community! Raise your profile and advance the Branch's mission to promote the profession of engineering at the same time.
Each year ASCE joins in the celebration of National Engineers Week to shine a spotlight on engineering and call attention to the contributions that engineers make to society. ASCE NC Eastern Branch is looking for civil engineers to volunteer during Engineers Week 2015 to bring exposure to civil engineering to our kids in our local schools.
You can help make this the most successful Engineers Week yet and reach out to students in your neighborhood or favorite schools who don't know what engineers do. Your Section and Branch need you to volunteer for a couple of hours a day during the week of February 22-28.
ASCE National and your Eastern Branch will provide the tools you need to represent our profession and make engineering relevant to the students. You can volunteer at your child's school or the school near your office.
This could be the best project you ever worked on. Previous E-Week volunteers have reported how it was one of the most rewarding experiences in their professional careers. Your effort will emphasize the importance of learning science, technical skills, engineering, and math.
To get more information and help regarding volunteering for E-week this year, contact Willie A. Noble, P.E. at wnoble@triangletransit.org.

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Eastern Branch Sponsorships for 2015

The Eastern Branch would like to take this time to thank our sponsors for 2014. With these companies' continued support, the Eastern Branch has been able to offer a wide variety of professional development and networking opportunities for our members. 
The Eastern Branch and its members extend our warmest gratitude to Duke University Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Falcon Engineering, Dewberry, Simpson & Associates, MBP, Terracon, Element Analytical, and Kimley-Horn & Associates.  We truly appreciate all the help you have provided.
As we move into the New Year, the Eastern Branch is looking for new and continued sponsorships for 2015.  A summary of the program's purpose and detailed descriptions of the sponsorship levels are given below.
1)  To increase the connectivity between branch members and sponsoring firms in the triangle area.
2)  To provide more exposure to branch members of the sponsor's services and capabilities.
3)  To help reduce the monthly meeting cost to ASCE members and life members.
Luncheon or Dinner Meeting Sponsor 
Cost: $300 per calendar year.
Luncheons will be held at the NCSU Club in January, March, May, July, September and November.  Dinner meetings will be held in February (in Durham), and April, June and October at 1705 Prime in Raleigh
Benefits include:

  • Display of your company's logo prior to the start of each ASCE meeting in 2015.
  • Sponsorship identification in meeting announcements.
  • An opportunity to bring a self-supported banner or similar display that can be set up during the networking/social hour and program.
  • An opportunity to discuss your company for 3 to 5 minutes prior to the scheduled presentation (only one firm will be allowed to present per meeting).
  • Company logo displayed on Eastern Branch website for 2015.

Web Sponsor
Cost: $100 per calendar year
Benefit:  Company logo displayed on Eastern Branch website for 2015.
Luncheon and dinner meeting sponsors will be limited to a first-come, first-serve basis. So be sure to respond soon.  When signing up, each company can select their month to present from the list of available dates.  If you have any questions regarding the program, do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you.  Please respond by email to mark.koegel@gmail.com or dskurky@aulickengineering.com if your firm is interested.

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2014 Toys-For-Tots Donations

This year, ASCE is collecting new, unwrapped toys to be donated to Toys-For-Tots! Our local Toys-For-Tots campaign, put on by the US Marine Corps Reserve, will benefit seven counties in North Carolina. We need your help! The toys will be given to children aged infant up to 14. We will be collecting donations at the Holiday Social which will be held on December 4th, or arrangements can be made to pick up donations at participating firms on December 5th if a representative cannot attend the social. Please FILL OUT THIS FORM if you would like to collect donations at your workplace, and more information will be provided to you via email.

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Mentors Needed for Future Cities Competition

Good Afternoon Members,

The North Carolina Section of ASCE is seeking mentors for the Future City Competition.

View our informative flyer!

We are seeking assistance for local middle school students to help get them excited about engineering and design while dreaming up and creating a city of the future!  Be a mentor for the national Future City Program at a local North Carolina Middle School.  Provide guidance, expertise, and encouragement to engage students via email, skype, or in-person visits. The time commitment is up to you, but typically ranges from 5 - 15 total hours between now and January. Read the attached document for more details. Email Eric Misak at misak@pbworld.com for more information.

 Mentors are needed for teams in the following cities:

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Mentors Needed for Steel Bridge and Concrete Canoe Teams

To all ASCE members and local engineers,

via ncsu.edu

via ncsu.edu

The Eastern Branch of the North Carolina Section of ASCE is seeking mentors for the Steel Bridge and Concrete Canoe teams.  These mentors would help guide and motivate students for these competitions at NC State and Duke University. 

The NCSU Concrete Canoe team meets on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM and the NCSU Steel Bridge team meets on Thursdays at 7:30 PM.  For NCSU team details, please contact Christine at christine.nguyen@kimley-horn.com.

The Duke University Concrete Canoe team meets on Saturdays between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM.  For Duke University team details, please contact Ethan at ethan.hill@kimley-horn.com.

ASCE NC Web DirectorComment
2014-2015 Eastern Branch Officers

The Elections are closed!  The board for 2014-2015 is as follows.
President: Mahalingam Bahiradhan (Bahi), P.E.
President-Elect: Michael Siburt, P.E.
Past-President: Janelle Griffin, P.E.
Treasurer: Mark Koegel, E.I.T.  (2nd year of 2-year term)
Secretary: David Skurky, P.E. (1st year of 2-year term)
Branch Rep: Christyn Fertenbaugh, E.I. (1st year of 2-year term)
Branch Rep: Kyle Phinney, P.E. (2nd year of 2-year term)
Web Director: Luke Montoya, P.E.
Younger Member Group Coordinator: Derek Dussek, E.I.
Younger Member Group Co-Coordinator: Matt Alexander, P.E.
NC State University Practitioner Advisor: Christine Nguyen, E.I.
Duke University Practitioner Advisor: Ethan Hill, E.I.T.

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