Participate in eWeek in 2018

Each year, ASCE gives members the opportunity to share their passion for civil engineering with students at local elementary magnet schools. ASCE has partnered with a few schools in the past by sending ASCE professionals to present to one or more classrooms about civil engineering. ASCE provides you with materials and can offer suggestions on what to present.
The time commitment is small - just a couple of hours on a morning or afternoon on a day of your preference (subject to availability with the school). Right now, exact dates are not known, but possible weeks are February 19-23, February 26-March 2, and March 5-9. If you are interested, please see the link below for more information and to sign up.

Sign up online

ASCE NC Web Director
Installation of 2017-2018 Eastern Branch Officers

RD Odell honored us by installing our 2017-2018 officers at our November 16, 2017 luncheon at the North Carolina University Club.

From left to right:

  • Dave Skurky (Branch Secretary)
  • Brian Pownall (Branch Representative)
  • Evan Reilly (YMG President)
  • Keith Rines (President Elect)
  • Greg Cols (E-Week Coordinator)
  • Christine H (President)
  • Kyle Freehart (Branch Representative)
  • RD Odell (Governor)
Photo via Jintao Wen

Photo via Jintao Wen

ASCE NC Web Director
2017-2018 North Carolina Regional Future City Competition

The 2017-2018 North Carolina Regional Future City competition is scheduled for January 20, 2018.  The Eastern Branch is seeking mentors who are willing to help at various schools across North Carolina.  The following schools are in need of a mentor:

School City State
Gamewell Middle School Lenoir NC
Green Valley School Boone NC
JM Alexander Middle School Huntersville NC
Kiser Middle Greensboro NC
Lumberton Junior High Lumberton NC
Lynchburg City Schools Lynchburg VA
Morehead STEM Academy Cornelius NC
Morganton Day School Morganton NC
Newton-Conover Middle School Conover NC
Pamlico County Middle School Bayboro NC
Queen City STEM School Charlotte NC
Red Oak Middle School Battleboro NC
STEM West/Western Piedmont Council of Governments Hickory NC
SWMS High Point NC
The Arts Based School Winston-Salem NC
The Forge Initiative Cary NC
Triad Math and Science Academy NC
Triangle Math and Science Academy Cary NC
Uwharrie Charter Academy Asheboro NC
Uwharrie Charter Academy Middle Grades Asheboro NC
Valle Crucis School Sugar Grove NC

If you're interested, please reach out to our branch's president, Christine Herrick, at

Also, NCSU Dean of Engineering, Louis Martin-Vega, wrote a letter that highlights the importance of this middle school outreach program.

ASCE NC Web Director
2017-2018 Eastern Branch Officer and Committee Positions are Now Open

The Eastern branch has opportunities for officers and committee members for the 2017-2018 year.
The Branch officer positions available are for the President-Elect and Treasurer, which begin in October.  You can use the online form to nominate yourself or other Members for officer positions.  You'll need your ASCE member number in order to complete the registration form. Officer Nominations will be accepted until 5:00PM on Friday, September 15, 2017.   
The Branch is also looking for volunteers for a Branch Representative,
Community Relations / E-week Coordinator, and Fundraising Chair.  If you are interested in starting a new committee you can indicate that as you sign up as well. Use the online form to express interest in serving as a member of a committee.

ASCE NC Web Director
Successful Stream Cleanup

On May 20th, 2017, 8 brave warriors, donning knee boots, plastic gloves, and an array of garbage bags, “took to the streams” in a heroic effort to rid Hare Snipe Creek of various and sundry unwanted man-made goods (ie, trash). For over 2 hours, these valiant ASCE members, including younger members and students, slogged tirelessly through over 1.5 miles of brush, waste-deep water, and steep embankments, seeking out all kinds of metal cans, tires, unwanted grocery bags, and even a large section of PVC pipe, and properly disposing of it at the appropriate designated location. The City of Raleigh oversees the Adopt-a-Stream program, of which ASCE has faithfully served for many years. While our involvement has kept a small section of Raleigh’s waterways clean, enabling mankind and native wildlife alike to enjoy the natural beauty of this gem of a stream for generations to come, a continued effort to put trash in its place by all Raleigh residents and a willing attitude by ASCE volunteers to help out with this biannual activity will help our community win the battle against unwanted litter and keep our streams clean.

(Left to Right) Derek Dussek, Phil Davies, Aaron Stroud, Evan Reilly, Emily Murr, Greg ColsNot pictured: Amber Ahles, Mary Cols

(Left to Right) Derek Dussek, Phil Davies, Aaron Stroud, Evan Reilly, Emily Murr, Greg Cols
Not pictured: Amber Ahles, Mary Cols

ASCE NC Web Director
Golf Tournament Update

Thanks for everyone who attended the ASCE NC Eastern Branch Golf Tournament at the end of September. Over 50 players attended, which is a great turnout.  Due to everyone's participation and generosity, we raised $3,450 for the NC Scholarship fund. The fund is awarded to four students in Civil Engineering.  One student from each North Carolina university with ABET-accredited programs:  North Carolina State University, UNC Charlotte, North Carolina A&T, and Duke University.

We would like to thank Terracon and American Tower for sponsoring the Hospitality Cart and S&ME for providing the delicious barbeque meal. We would like to sincerely thank ECS, Tencate Mirifa, RK&K, Smith+Gardner, F&R, and Fonville Morisey for sponsoring us!
No one won the Hole-in-One competition, but we had a few close calls. Maybe next year someone will take home $10,000!  

If you have any comments or suggestions for next year's tournament, please feel free to pass them along to Michael Siburt or Dave Skurky.

ASCE NC Web Director
2016 Food Drive Donations Update

During the months of July and August, the NC Eastern Branch Younger Member Group hosted a food drive to benefit the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. The YMG encouraged members to collect donations of canned goods, other non-perishable items, and essential health supplies, at their workplaces. On August 23rd, the YMG hosted a social event called "Cans for Brews" at a local brewery, Trophy Brewing, as a celebration event to conclude the food drive.  In all, 12 firms participated in the collection and the YMG donated over 830 pounds of food. In the spirit of the event's moniker, the YMG held two raffles: one for a gift card to Trophy Brewing and one for a Trophy Brewing Pint Glass set. Many thanks to all those who participated to make this event a success! The YMG plans to hold a similar event next summer.

ASCE NC Web Director
Positions Open for 2016-2017 ASCE Eastern Branch Officers and Committees

The Eastern Branch has opportunities for officers and committee members for the 2016-2017 year.
The Branch officer spots available are President-Elect and Secretary beginning in October.  Visit our online nomination form to nominate yourself or other Members for officer positions.  Please be sure to have your ASCE member number available for the registration form. Officer nominations will be accepted until 5:00PM on Friday, September 16, 2016.   
The Branch is also looking for volunteers for the Branch Representative,
Community Relations / E-week Coordinator, and Fundraising Chair.  If you are interested in starting a new committee you can indicate that as you sign up as well. Visit the online nomination form to express interest in serving as a member of a committee.

A PDF detailing these openings and their duties can be found in the link below:
2016-2017 Open Board Positions Descriptions.

ASCE NC Web Director
ASCE Adopt-a-Stream Fall 2015 Cleanup

This past Saturday, October 17th, eleven volunteers gathered at the Lake Lynn Community Center to help clean up the stream.  The crew helped clean Hare Snipe Creek and two of its tributaries from Lake Lynn and Lower Springdale Estates Lake.

We appreciate those who assisted with the cleanup!

Photo via Christine Nguyen

Photo via Christine Nguyen

ASCE NC Web DirectorComment
2015 ASCE Toys-For-Tots Toy Drive

ASCE is collecting new, unwrapped toys to be donated to the Raleigh Toys-For-Tots campaign.  Our local Toys-For-Tots campaign, put on by the US Marine Corps Reserve, will benefit Wake, Durham, Johnston, Granville, and Franklin counties.  We are beginning our donation drive in October to allow plenty of time for people to pick up donations while doing other holiday shopping.  The toy donations will be delivered to the Marine Corps Reserve who will distribute them to children aged infant to 14.  We will be collecting donations at our annual Holiday Social which will be held on December 10th, or arrangements can be made to pick up donations at participating firms on December 11th if a representative cannot attend the social.  Please contact Matt Alexander ( with any questions.  Please complete this online form if you would like to collect donations at your workplace, and more information will be provided to you via email.

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