ASCE Eastern Branch Mentor Program 2020

If you would like to be part of the Eastern Branch Mentor program, please fill out the information below and email it to Chas Webb before July 8, 2020.

Please spread the word about this program. You do not have to be an ASCE member to be part of this program. The only requirement is the mentees have to be a student or recent graduate of Duke or NC State. Once we've collected the information, we will pair people together and provide additional instructions in late July or early August. This program will likely last a few months and the monthly commitment will be about 2-3 hours per month.

If you are interested, please email Chas Webb with the following information:

If you want to be a mentor:
Current Company
Previous Companies
School Degree
Graduation Year
PE? (Y/N)

If you want to be a mentee:
School Year (Junior, etc.)
Desired Discipline
ASCE Member? (Y/N)

Additionally, ASCE National is having a Mentor Match Meet Up on June 10, 2020, which will provide details similar to our local program.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Chas Webb, ASCE NC-Eastern Branch President Elect.

ASCE NC Web Director
2019-2020 Eastern Branch Officer Positions Now Open

The Eastern branch has opportunities for officers and committee members for the 2019-2020 year. The 2019-2020 Board will be installed at the monthly luncheon on October 17, 2019, at noon, at the NC University Club. Please tentatively reserve this time on your calendar to attend if applying for a position. All applicants will be notified no later than October 15 with the election results.

  • The Branch is seeking a President-Elect (3 year term), Secretary (2 year term), Treasurer (2 year term), and a Government & Public Liaison (1 year term). The term for these positions start in October, 2019.  Please nominate yourself or other Members for officer positions using the online form.  Please be sure to have your ASCE member number available for the registration form. Officer nominations will be accepted until 5:00PM on Friday, September 18, 2019.     

  • The Branch is also looking for volunteers for the Branch Representative, Community Relations / E-week Coordinator, and Fundraising Chair. If you are interested in starting a new committee you can sign up using the same online form.

ASCE NC Web Director
E-Week 2019: Call for Engineering Presentations at Elementary Schools

Engineers: Inspiring Wonder - February 17 - 23, 2019

Engineering Week is a time to celebrate how engineers make a difference in a world.

To celebrate E-Week, the ASCE-Eastern Branch will give presentations at 2 elementary schools in the Raleigh-Durham area:

- Kingswood Elementary School (200 E Johnson St, Cary, North Carolina 27513) - Thursday, February 21st, from 1 PM to 3 PM. The school has an environmental focus and would like a presentation involving that aspect of Civil Engineering. The 2 presentations will be for 3rd and 4th grade students and will last for about an hour. Kimley Horn will be giving one of the presentations. We are in need of 1 or 2 volunteers to do the other presentation.

- Weatherstone Elementary School (1000 Olde Weatherstone Way, Cary, North Carolina 27513): Wednesday, February 20th, from 1 PM to 3 PM. The 3rd grade students have a unit on plants and the environment. The 4th grade students have a unit on engineering a bridge over a river. The 2 presentations will only last for about an hour. We are in need of volunteers to do both presentations.

The presentations will be done in a classroom. Consider volunteering for this event as it is a great opportunity to promote civil engineering in our communities and share our engineering experiences to children, educators, and parents.

If you would like to volunteer for this event or have any questions, please email Cole Koffi

ASCE NC Web Director
2018-2019 Future City Competition - Call for Engineering Mentors

The 2018-2019 North Carolina Future City competition is underway and we are in need of engineer mentors. We are proud to say that ASCE has supported the North Carolina region with volunteers since it began in 2003. We hope you will continue this tradition this year.

The Call for Mentors pamphlet details the competition and mentor responsibilities. There are schools needing mentors in each of your Branch areas.

ASCE NC Web Director
2018-2019 ASCE Eastern Branch Officer and Committee Positions

The Eastern branch has opportunities for officers and committee members for the 2018-2019 year. The 2018-2019 Board will be installed at the monthly luncheon on October 18, 2018, at the NCSU University Club.  Please reserve this time in your calendar to attend if you plan to apply for a position.  All applicants will be notified no later than October 16 with the election results.

  • The Branch is seeking a President-Elect. The term for this position starts in October, 2018.  Please nominate yourself or other Members for officer positions using the online form.  Please be sure to have your ASCE member number available for the registration form. Officer nominations will be accepted until 5:00PM on Friday, October 12, 2018.     

  • The Branch is also seeking volunteers for Branch Representative, Community Relations / E-week Coordinator, and Fundraising Chair.  If you are interested in starting a new committee, you can indicate that as you sign up as well. Please nominate yourself or other Members for officer positions using the online form.

We’ve prepared a PDF detailing these openings and their duties.

ASCE NC Web Director
Spring 2018 Stream Cleanup

Thank you to everyone who volunteered for our Summer Stream Cleanup on the morning of June 9, 2018! Solid turnout from ASCE North Carolina State University and Duke ASCE!

Photo via ASCE NC YMG

Photo via ASCE NC YMG

ASCE NC Web Director
2018 Future Cities Competition

On January 20, 2018, we sent two YMG members to represent the ASCE NC Section and the Eastern Branch at the 16th Annual Future City North Carolina Competition. 

This year, students from over 35 participating middle schools were challenged to design an "age-friendly" city that would cater specifically to the needs of retirees 100 years from now. 

After a full day of judging, Evan Reilly and Keith Rines presented the specialty award for "Most Innovative Design of Infrastructure Systems" to Langtree Charter Academy's "Swaziland" project. The judges were impressed by the team's physical model, which incorporated wastewater treatment, rainwater harvesting, and renewable wind and solar energy generation. ASCE NC/EB are proud to have sponsored this event for 15 years, and look forward to future participation.

Thank you to the Future City NC Steering Committee and NC State Engineering for hosting such a successful and educational event!

Image via Evan Reilly

Image via Evan Reilly

Image via Evan Reilly

Image via Evan Reilly

Image via Evan Reilly

Image via Evan Reilly

ASCE NC Web Director